Saturday, January 3, 2009

playlist 2008

Something I've been doing over the last year is keeping a playlist for each season. I tend to go through intense fixations on bands or albums and when they're over, I take the most prominent, memory-ridden song and stick it in the playlist for that time period. Going back to each playlist later makes me really nostalgic, and I'm kinda into that. I've pared the whole 80-song mess down to a more conventional 22-song deal for those of you who enjoy a. free music b. pre-made playlists c. peering into my life/emotional voyeurism (?). I cut out the embarrassing or otherwise irrelevant songs for the sake of concision and mass enjoyment (outtakes list anyone?!). Some of the songs might seem obvious, but I'm just bein' honest.

I don't think the file comes out in order, but here's what you're in for:

1. Cap'n Jazz - Basil's Kite
2. Justice - Newjack
3. Tokyo Police Club - In A Cave
4. Sea Wolf - You're A Wolf
5. Smart Went Crazy - Funny As In Funny Ha-Ha
6. The City on Film - Astray! Astray!
7. The Knife - Heartbeats
8. Maps and Atlases - Stories About Ourselves
9. Braid - Summer Salt
10. Les Savy Fav - Brace Yourself
11. No Knife - The Red Bedroom
12. Death From Above 1979 - Little Girl
13. Pattern is Movement - Bird
14. Fleet Foxes - White Winter Hymnal
15. Chairlift - Bruises
16. Margaret & the Nuclear So and So's - Bookworm
17. Notwist - One With The Freaks
18. Tv on the Radio - Dancing Choose
19. Deerhunter - Little Kids
20. Camera Obscura - Lloyd, I'm Ready To Be Heartbroken
21. Dear and the Headlights - If Not For My Glasses
22. Fruit Bats - Lives of Crime